Coming to
is ... surprise ... Big Don's Girls. Inevitable! I just hated
seeing all these beautiful women's photos unused. I needed to show
these to the world. This mosaic below is just a taste of the pages
that are to come. There will be gallery pages just like the rest
of the site but with a different colored background. Nothing
like a tall, gorgeous guy to get the girls crowded around him.
You'll find plenty of women on this site despite the fact
that it has "boys" in it's name. The Main Galleries have
hundreds of photos of women hanging around with their extremely
tall male buddies. There is also the Guys and Gals section
where I have put some of the nicest couple's photos. But these
women are almost all very short. That's the point of why
they are there. To make the tall guys look even taller. Do short
people even have a purpose in life beyond this? Doubtful.
So don't go looking for giant women on my pages. I'm sure
there are websites devoted to giantesses but that is not my gig